Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

the thunderstorm

OMG A THUNDERSTORM OUTSIDE!!!!! The lightning is ridiculous out here, i have never in my life seen it this bad ever. driving home seemed like I nightmare. felt like one of them was gonna hit my car. FREAKY. So, I was in a major rush to get home. The night sky lit up and my foot taps the throttle just a bit harder. Dang, I am a BIG chicken. i can hear it now outside as I'm writing this! The sound of thunder, rumbling, &of course dogs barking. poor things :( This is kind of odd being that it's june 'n all and i live in f**king CALIFORNIA.

But..... I have to admit it is kind of beautiful, ironically.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just getting started but enjoy...

So I'm finally starting my own blogspot;
"HEY PEOPLE, bare with me while i figure this whole thing out. Haven't blogged since!" LOL
Decided to start this and jump on the bandwagon because I honestly have loads of crap to talk about but never anyone to share it with. be continued(I have to work =/)